
A Christ centered place of safety and security that empowers God’s children to grow in faith and life skills.


Women of Valor in Training will provide a welcoming place to live while passionately living with VALOR.

Who We Are

WOVIT is a Christian non-profit organization that believes everyone in society deserves a chance to succeed in life. Women between the ages of 18 and 30 are some of the most neglected individuals in our population when it comes to receiving help. Often times, circumstances beyond their control prevent them from becoming self-sufficient, productive members of the community. They find themselves moving from one house to the next, developing unhealthy relationships with men for survival purposes, or resorting to illegal activities so they can provide for themselves and their family. Regardless of whether it is based on bad choices, a lack of family support, or numerous other factors, WOVIT strives to empower these young women by providing support in all areas of life.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Psalm 129:14-15

Key Offerings

  • Career skills and job procurement

  • Basic life skills

  • Counseling for past trauma

  • Temporary financial assistance with the goal of helping them become self-sufficient

  • Developing a sense of worth and belonging through volunteering in the community

  • Assistance in securing government benefits for food, housing or healthcare

How You Can Help

  • Become an advocate for WOVIT at your church or place of business; encouraging them to partner with our organization

  • Support WOVIT financially

  • Volunteer at WOVIT

  • Pray that God blesses WOVIT and the women we empower

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin

Alexis’ Story

I come from a home where my parents were separated. They were both verbally and physically abusive. I was passed back and forth between them whenever they got tired of me. My mom introduced me to marijuana at the age of 11. I met Shelly at church when I was not quite 17. Two weeks later I ran away from home. I didn’t know what to do so I called Shelly. Shelly and Mike helped me figure out what to do and walked with me through the next 4 years. I no longer do weed or drink. I have been a part of Soup of Success. I continue to struggle, but Shelly and Mike continue to help me stay on track. I look forward to WOVIT opening so I can have a place to continue growing in relationships, get my GED, and hopefully my own place.